The Problem

Unprepared for cyberattacks. Misaligned response teams. Hidden vulnerabilities.

Not testing your incident response plans can lead to uneasy feelings about potential vulnerabilities and team misalignment. The stress of facing a cyberattack unprepared and the fear of regulatory penalties are real concerns. At CloudGuard, we help you transform these uncertainties into confidence with our TableTop Exercises. Let us ensure you’re ready for any cyber threat.

Unprepared for cyber incidents

Without testing your Incident Response Plan (IRP), you won’t know how it holds up under real-world attack conditions. When a breach happens, delays and confusion can lead to costly data loss and reputational damage.

Undetected vulnerabilities

If you don’t regularly test your IRP, hidden gaps in your detection and response strategies go unnoticed. These weaknesses only become apparent during an actual attack, making it harder to mount an effective defense.

Poor team communication

Without structured simulations, your technical teams and executives may not be aligned during a crisis. This leads to miscommunication, slower decision-making, and a fragmented response that makes containment harder.

Non-compliance issues

Failing to test your incident response can put your organisation at risk of not meeting regulatory requirements, leading to penalties, legal issues, and lost certifications when an attack occurs.

The Solution

Standard exercises only test responses. CloudGuard strengthens your entire incident response framework

Don’t settle for being untested. CloudGuard’s TableTop Exercises provide a thorough assessment of your Incident Response Plan with tailored, realistic scenarios. We offer detailed feedback and actionable recommendations, ensuring your team is fully prepared and your response strategies are robust.

Effective incident preparation

Test your Incident Response Plan with tailored simulations to ensure readiness and address potential gaps before a real attack occurs.

Proactive vulnerability identification

Uncover hidden weaknesses in your response strategies with comprehensive scenarios and detailed feedback, enabling you to improve your preparedness.

Streamlined team coordination

Improve communication and alignment between technical and executive teams through structured, realistic tabletop exercises for a unified response.

Regulatory compliance assurance

Ensure your incident response plan meets regulatory requirements and standards with thorough testing and actionable recommendations for compliance.

Use cases

One exercise. Multiple outcomes.

Testing response to ransomware attacks

CloudGuard simulates a ransomware attack to evaluate your organisation’s readiness and response strategies.

By experiencing this high-pressure scenario, you gain insights into your team’s ability to handle encryption threats, contain the incident, and recover data effectively, ensuring your plan is robust against real ransomware attacks.

man looking at computer screen with ransomware message

Improving communication during data breaches

In a simulated data breach scenario, CloudGuard assesses how well your technical and executive teams coordinate and communicate.

This exercise highlights any gaps in information flow and decision-making, allowing you to refine processes and ensure that your response is swift and cohesive during actual data breaches.

Young man working from home, sitting in front of laptop computer having meeting over internet.

Strengthening defences against phishing attacks

CloudGuard’s tabletop exercises include phishing attack scenarios to test how effectively your organisation detects and responds to deceptive emails.

This use case helps you identify weaknesses in employee training and technical defenses, ensuring you are better prepared to prevent and mitigate phishing threats.

phishing email example

Evaluating responses to insider threats

Through simulated insider threat scenarios, CloudGuard evaluates your organisation’s ability to detect and manage internal risks.

By testing your response to potential sabotage or data theft, you gain valuable insights into improving monitoring, detection, and mitigation strategies for insider threats.

insider threats

Ensuring compliance with regulatory standards

CloudGuard conducts exercises that simulate regulatory compliance violations to assess your incident response against industry standards.

This use case helps you identify any gaps in meeting legal requirements and ensure that your IRP is aligned with regulatory obligations, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.

man looking at cybersecurity compliance on laptop
Frequently asked questions

Learn about more CloudGuard TableTop Exercises

A TableTop Exercise is a simulated cyber attack scenario designed to test your organisation’s Incident Response Plan (IRP). It allows your team to assess and improve their response strategies in a controlled, real-world environment.

CloudGuard’s TTX goes beyond standard testing by providing customised scenarios tailored to your business. We offer detailed feedback, expert guidance, and ongoing support to help you not only test but improve your overall response framework.

We recommend involving both technical staff and executives in the exercises. Having a cross-functional team ensures that both the technical and strategic aspects of your Incident Response Plan are evaluated.

The exercise typically spans two sessions, each lasting two hours, followed by an additional hour for debriefing and feedback. The entire process takes about five hours in total, including preparation and post-exercise analysis.

CloudGuard offers 28 different scenarios, including phishing attacks, ransomware infections, insider threats, data breaches, and more. You can select two scenarios for each exercise, with the option to add more if needed.

  1. Phishing Attack: Deceptive emails trick employees into revealing sensitive information or credentials
  2. Ransomware Infection: Malicious software encrypts files, demanding ransom for data decryption
  3. Data Breach: Unauthorised access compromises sensitive customer or organisational information
  4. Insider Threat: Disgruntled employees sabotage or steal company data or systems
  5. DDoS Attack: Overwhelms network, rendering services inaccessible to legitimate users
  6. Supply Chain Attack: Trusted vendor compromise leads to organisational supply chain disruption
  7. Physical Security Breach: Unauthorised access or theft of physical assets compromises security protocols
  8. Zero-Day Exploit: Exploits unknown software vulnerabilities, bypassing traditional security measures
  9. Social Engineering Attack: Manipulates human psychology to gain unauthorised access to systems
  10. Regulatory Compliance Violation: Failure to meet legal or industry standards results in penalties

Regular testing is essential to staying prepared. We recommend conducting TTX sessions at least annually or whenever there are significant changes to your Incident Response Plan or business environment.

If your organisation lacks a formal IRP, CloudGuard can assist with developing one. Our experts will work with you to create a plan based on your unique business needs, then test it through the TTX process

After the TTX, you’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing key findings, strengths, weaknesses, and actionable recommendations for improving your Incident Response Plan. We also offer ongoing support for remediation efforts.

Yes. CloudGuard’s TTX is designed to ensure your response plan meets industry regulations and compliance standards. The exercise can help you identify any gaps in your compliance efforts and take steps to close them.

Absolutely. While the service includes two scenarios from our standard catalogue, we can customise scenarios to suit your organisation’s specific needs. Additional scenarios can be added, with pricing adjusted accordingly.

Get in touch

Discover how CloudGuard can turn gaps into strengths with our TableTop Exercises

Experience how tailored simulations and expert feedback can elevate your incident response capabilities. CloudGuard’s TableTop Exercises provide the actionable insights and practical training you need to address vulnerabilities, enhance team coordination, and ensure compliance, so you’re always prepared for any cyber threat.